Richard Garrett


Richard has been playing with music since he as very young. Playing on his parents stereo from the age of 8, he did his first piece of DJ’ing when he was 13 at his school youth club one evening when the actual DJ didn’t arrive !! “It went down well apparently, and they asked if I could do more sessions, so I said yes” said Richard, and so a life in music began.

During this time at his school youth club, he met a mobile DJ operator who owned “Staggered Cult Disco”. Richard then went out on mobile disco’s with this man and did many a year on the mobile disco scene doing all sorts of functions. The same gentleman also worked at a local nightclub, and as expected Richard soon started working here to. The owners saw that he was young, so they gave him his own night, “The Under 18’s”, although at this time Richard was only 16 himself. Richard learnt a lot about DJ’ing here, whilst still continuing to do his now purchased mobile disco at different types of events. The head doorman at this club also happened to be the crew manager at the Gaumont (now Regent Theatre), and he asked Richard to work as crew one evening moving flightcases etc from lorries to stage to lorries. Phase Two was under way, as from here Richards passion was really able to flow free. He always ended up sitting / speaking with the Sound Crew / operators, and got to know, and subsequently work with, some of the biggest names in the industry.

From here Richard was offered a job to work at Radio Orwell in the Comm Prod team. ‘My role here was to smoke numerous cigarettes with Nick Coady and Phil Archer’ he says with a big grin on his face. Actually it was his role to digitise the stations record collection when the MP3 came to us !! There was a lot to do. Richard was then doing more Nightclub work with his DJ’ing, at the local First Floor Nightclub, and latterly Liberty’s Nightclub, along with numerous clubs around the region and in London. He also worked on Cruise Ships as well for a period of time.

At this point Richard decided to set up his own business which deals with Professional Sound, Lighting & Video Equipment, and from here has worked on many prestigious projects with numerous clients. To this day this is what he does, advising and supplying clients with this type of equipment. He says “I am very lucky to have a job which is my passion, so getting up in the morning, even at 3am, is never a problem.

Throughout his career Richard has worked with many household celebrity names, and is still friendly with them to this day, but considers coming home to his family as the goal.

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