
And we’re live !

today30 July 2023 379 10

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As the clock ticked towards midday on Saturday 15th July, a sense of anticipation crept across the assembled crowd as Suffolk Sound was officially launched!

Over 100 people had gathered outside our studios to witness the new sound of Suffolk launching across the County and globe as Europe’s ‘The Final Countdown’ filled the airwaves.

On the last note, the overture played and the first voices heard were our own Rob Dunger and Mark Murphy. And we were LIVE!

The Deputy Mayor of Felixstowe cut the ribbon, made the official opening speech and after weeks of hard work, late nights, and lots and lots of support from an amazing team we were live.

There’s so many people to thank, not just those who have joined us on this journey but people who have been with us from the very very start. In particular we want to express our sincere thanks to Charlie and Jonny Manning. When we approached them about choosing Beach Street as a location, they were all in, all in, straight away. As our main sponsor, we couldn’t wish to be at a better location. The amount of people who have just popped by to say hello is brilliant, and the view of looking out of our studio window across Sea Road to the horizon is breathtaking. Beach Street is just an amazing community. Such a vibe and energy and a real gem that we just need to shout about!

The other person we want to say thanks to is Steve Flory from Hudson Group. Steve offered his support and services and totally understood our aims to engage with the community whole heartedly. His enthusiasm and support is unfloundering.

Finally, we want to thank you… the people that tune in. In our first 2 weeks of being on air, we have had over 12,500 listeners. You’re feedback, comments and involvement with the shows and presenters means the world to us. As we head further down the road on this amazing journey we have some big plans to tell you about, more presenters, more community engagement, more about you and more about this fantastic county we live in !

Richie & Rob

Written by: SuffolkSound

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